DOTA Rankings by Country

With DOTA continuing to grow around the world, we thought we would list the top ranking DOTA (Warcraft) ranked nations in order of strongest:

The Philippines remains in top spot, in terms of DOTA skill and ability, here is the complete list: The interesting point here is New Zealand knocks Australia out of Top spot - The Aussies dropping away in terms of their Warcraft/DOTA skills.

1. Philippines
2. Bolivia
3. Malaysia
4. Singapore
5. Thailand
6. Indonesia
7. Peru
8. Greece
9. Romania
10. New Zealand

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Anonymous said...

well what i would like to know is, if the world champion "Tubby" comes from australia, how can australia not be in the top 10 ???

Anonymous said...

Omfg You forgot about Czech Republic... 30% players from eu.

Anonymous said...

The stats from this post are from WoW tournaments wins (worldwide) over the past 12 months.

Thanks all.

(Australia were knocking out of the top 10 by New Zealand)

Anonymous said...

so i guess this tubby bloke is world champion but just cant get around to all the tournaments ay :D

Anonymous said...

up yours..from Philippine players!
we'll beat your australian asses..