Guide to Pudge in DOTA

Now Pudge is one of the more popular heros in DOTA Allstars, and talking about him today is one of our guest writers - going by the name of e s or JourneyManDeep, heres some DOTA Strategy info on Pudge that will help you farm the butt off your enemies.

DOTA Allstars: Pudge Tips and Strategy
by e s / JourneyManDeep

I have decided to write a post on Pudge! Always a hot topic with many, he is hated by just as many people that love him!

Pudge long revered for his sick Meathook and Rot+Dismember!

Many think he is a solo hero that goes hunting on his own and occasionally will throw a line to save a friend! I am going to tell the story that many don't know about this game winning team hero! So you are getting ready to play DOTA and you see a post for DOTA Undeafeated!

It's a bunch of friends that play together constantly andlove nothing more than to beat up on disorganized noobs! This is for all you out there who have been wondering how to defeat a team that are always together using DOTA ganking and DOTA raping they seem like a brick wall that is unpenetratable.

Well when most people start with Pudge they start with the stats about him like everyone doesn't know what he does and what he's got!Starting with team player Pudge: When game starts you will need 1 ring of regen, 1 circlet, and 2 ironwood branches. Start out in mid and level up till 6. When you get 6 go get some boots and start hunting!

point is by level 11 I want you to have a mek and an arcane ring! These are essential to keeping you and your team on top at all times. The rest is pretty obvious on how to break an unbeatable team. Keep you teammates close and break that wall down one hero at a time. Hook enemies in one at a time and WATCH THE CARNAGE AS A TEAM OF 5 DESTROYS ONE HERO!

Soon that unbeatable team will be crying like babies and custom kicking you so fast your head spins. That is the real Pudge. I have seen him many times in action and he will eat you so beware and watch your step! Last of all I want to dedicate this piece to all those sad sacks who use the CUSTOM KICK feature on WC3Banlist to kick players when they are getting Pawned! I still love you and I ain't mad at you, but watch it or you may be next!

So master Pudge now my fellow n00bs, and you can get your skills honed to become a decent DOTA Allstars Hero


Anonymous said...

this "guide" contains a substandard build and no strategic or tactical information of merit.

Anonymous said...

this guide only gives basic idea which is known to almost all people.